Conservation Easements

What is a conservation easement?

A conservation easement is a deed restriction placed on a piece of land to hold that section in conservation in perpetuity. The landowner still owns the land, however the easement holding agency monitors, inspects, and mostly maintains that section of the land for only conservation purposes.

Some tax benefits may apply in some cases, and those benefits can be explained by a tax attorney.

Franklin Soil & Water accepts and holds conservation easements along local streams in order to:
  • Preserve or establish native, vegetated corridors along local streams that filter pollutants from surface runoff, reduce stream bank erosion, and provide a healthy stream ecosystem.
  • Preserve critical floodplain areas that maintain the stream’s capacity to retain high water flows, dissipate erosive energy, and remove excess sediments and pollutants from streams.
  • Improve the water quality of Franklin County’s extensive stream network.
  • Provide and protect valuable wildlife corridors and associated passive recreational activities.
  • Provide increased awareness and education to local governments and landowners through media articles, field days, workshops, and fact sheets.
Did You Know?… Franklin Soil & Water planted over 10,000 trees this spring? Through partnerships, trees were planted on conservation easements to assist in restoring and preserving the natural state of the easement.


Big Darby Accord

ODA Guide to Streams

ODA Stream Management Guides

Land Trust Alliance

Ohio State University Easement Fact Sheet

Farmland Agricultural Easements Fact Sheet

Protecting your stream

Conservation Easements