Master Rain Gardener

The Master Rain Gardener program is a certification course that trains residents to build their own rain garden throughout a series of classes, field trips, and design feedback. The program enables gardeners to improve their own yard while becoming a stormwater ambassador in their neighborhood.

Students will learn how to manage rainwater in their own yard. Experienced instructors will provide customized feedback which will enable students to design and install a rain garden. Topics will include site assessment, soil analysis, design, construction, plant selection, and maintenance.

The Master Rain Gardener program was initially developed in Washtenaw County, Michigan, and has been adapted around Ohio and even Canada, resulting in valuable rain gardens, and engaged advocates.

To become a Master Rain Gardener, participants must complete the 5-week course and install their own rain garden or adopt a public rain garden. All participants will be required to complete course content, hands-on assignments, and weekly quizzes. Graduates of the course will receive a certificate, Master Rain Gardener T-shirt, and a yard sign.

If you're interested in receiving updates about upcoming classes, join our email reminder list!


Madison Wisniewski - Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District 
Amy Dutt - Urban Wild Ltd. and Scioto Gardens
Debra Knapke - The Garden Sage
Sara Ernst - Sustainable Columbus 
Cindy Maravich - Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens

Call Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District at 614-486-9613 for questions.

Thank you to the following communities for their support! 

* Franklin Soil & Water Conservation District does not offer refunds. If you need to cancel your registration, contact the Program Coordinator immediately.