2025 Grants Announcement: Applications will be accepted February 1 - March 31, 2025
We will be awarding $20,000 total in 2025. Up to 5 organizations will receive awards ranging from $2,000 to $10,000.
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Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District has partnered with Columbus Recreation and Parks Department to develop the Columbus Urban Tree Assistance Program. This program is made possible by funding from Columbus Recreation and Parks Department.
Increased tree canopy in urban areas is shown to be associated with positive health outcomes, lower average temperatures, reduced stormwater runoff, decreased soil degradation, increased biodiversity and an influx of economic opportunity. A recent Tree Canopy Assessment found that only 22 percent of Columbus is covered with trees. To grow the urban tree canopy and achieve the goals of the Columbus Urban Forestry Master Plan and the Climate Action Plan, private tree canopy needs to increase throughout the city.
Civic associations, neighborhood associations, HOAs and other organized groups of landowners will be eligible to apply for this competitive assistance program. Planting must occur on private property in the City of Columbus. Extra consideration will be given to organizations or sites that have not been awarded before.
To increase accessibility and decrease the financial burden of these projects on private landowners, successful awardees will work closely with Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District, who will make all purchases and pay invoices on behalf of the project. Applicants will have several vendors to choose from for quotes and materials.
Applications will be accepted February 1 - March 31, 2025. If awarded, project implementation will be limited to the fall planting window established in the Columbus Tree Technical Manual (September 15 - December 31).
Information Sessions
We held 2 hybrid information sessions on January 29 and February 12 covering Mini Grants, Columbus Tree Assistance Program, and Community Beyond Backyards Grants (previously called Business Rebates). You can watch the recording on YouTube, and view the slide deck here.
This assistance award is competitive, and applications will be evaluated against the following criteria: