Urban Conservation


Our goal is to reduce negative impacts from development and urban activities, as well as encouraging land management decisions that consider natural resource realities.

Some of the services/assistance offered to local governments, developers, and residents within Franklin County include:
  • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Storm Water Program Management
  • Review Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWP3) for all development within unincorporated Franklin County
  • Conduct routine inspections to ensure compliance with SWP3s
  • Provide trainings for staff and contractors
  • Assist local residents with concerns and questions in regards to urban development, stormwater runoff, and natural resource conservation
  • Conduct lot split reviews (site visit and consultation)
  • Determine soils suitability for construction
  • Drainage and other land uses

Handouts (General Information)

Handouts (Construction)

Handouts (Post Construction)
